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Improving Water Access in Mbalame Village: A New Chapter Begins

Last year, we captured a powerful image of the daily hardship women and girls in Mbalame village, Malingunde, endure to fetch water. Today, we are thrilled to announce that the Japan Water Forum Fund has awarded us the necessary resources to launch Phase 1 of our project. This phase includes drilling a borehole and training the community on its operation, maintenance, and management.

This initiative aims to alleviate the burden of water scarcity, reduce waterborne diseases, and enhance the overall health and well-being of the village. It will also boost educational outcomes, particularly for girls, by increasing school attendance and performance. Moreover, the community will benefit economically as more time is devoted to productive activities, fostering overall development through collective participation.

Looking ahead, Phase 2 will focus on installing a solar-powered water distribution system featuring a 10,000-liter elevated tank and pipelines that will supply four communal water points. We invite stakeholders to join us in completing this transformative project and help bring sustainable water access to Mbalame village.

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