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Exploring Community Perspectives & Solutions for Improving Access to Clean Water in Mbalame Village

Updated: 5 days ago

Mbalame village, situated under the Traditional Authority Masula, is a rural community located approximately 35 kilometers southwest of Lilongwe District in Malawi. Spanning an area of approximately 325 hectares, the village is home to around 365 households totaling to approximately 3000 people.

As is the case in many rural areas in Malawi, the local economy of Mbalame Village revolves primarily around agriculture. Subsistence farming takes center stage, with villagers cultivating crops such as maize, beans, groundnuts, and various vegetables. Additionally, livestock rearing, particularly poultry and goat farming, is a common practice. The primary market serving the village is the Malingunde trading center, situated approximately 3 kilometers away, acting as a focal point for commercial activities and local trade.

However, being a rural village, Mbalame faces limitations in terms of amenities and infrastructure. Basic services, including educational facilities, electricity, water supply, and healthcare provisions, are relatively underdeveloped. The nearest public hospital is the Malingunde Health Center, located at the trading center, serving as the primary healthcare facility catering to the medical needs of the local community.

Within the village, a junior primary school accommodating over 600 students from Mbalame and the surrounding villages is found. For primary grades 7 and 8, as well as secondary students, the Malingunde Primary School and Malingunde Community Day Secondary School, both situated at the trading center, serve as the educational institutions requiring a commute of approximately 3 kilometers.

Mbalame village also faces challenges in accessing clean water for day-to-day usage. The village solely relies on a single borehole, which serves as the primary source of clean water for the entire community. Unfortunately, the demands for water surpass the limited capacity of this borehole, leaving the majority of villagers with no option but to resort to using water from wells and other unsanitary alternatives. This problem is exacerbated during the dry season when these alternative sources dry up, leaving villagers with no option but to access water from the Malingunde dam, which is approximately 2 kilometers away.

To again more insight on the challenges, Touch of Hope conducted community engagement activities. TOH approached community leaders to discuss their challenges. During this conversation, the leaders expressed concerns about the village's limited access to clean water, highlighting it as a critical issue affecting the entire community. To ensure a thorough understanding of the community's perspective, TOH conducted focus group discussions (FGDs) involving different segments of the population. Through these discussions, the participants discussed the challenges they face. They further discussed its impact including health risks, increased workload, and limited opportunities for education and economic growth. Following the FGDs, a series of community meetings were organized to consolidate the information gathered and collectively identify the most viable solution.

After careful deliberation, a well-thought-out project emerged as the answer. The community unanimously pinpointed the installation of a comprehensive water distribution system as the pivotal solution. This visionary system encompasses a borehole, a raised water tank, an eco-friendly solar-powered submersible pump, and an intricate network of pipelines connecting to numerous communal water access points thoughtfully positioned across the Village.

With this plan in motion, Touch of Hope stands united in a heartfelt plea to all stakeholders and the wider community. The time has come to transform this collective vision into a tangible reality. Every drop of support, every contribution, no matter how small, becomes a stepping stone toward this life-changing project. Join us in our endeavor; together, drop by drop, we possess the power to create an enduring transformation.

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